Firefighters Donate Time/Funds to Repair Vandalism at MLK Park

rescamilla71Fire Department, News

In response to the recent vandalism at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park, the International Association of Firefighters Local 556, has offered to donate their time and any funds necessary to repair the vandalism at the basketball courts area at the park. This generous donation comes after the basketball courts were closed due to a second bout of vandalism within a two-week period.

Mayor Thomas McDermott, Jr. was pleased to accept this donation after discussions about the basketball courts’ closure. “I want to thank the firefighters’ union for this generous offer. I understand the importance of these courts and park to the community. I also know that we cannot continue to allow vandalism and disrespect for this park, named after Dr. King. The police department is continuing to investigate the vandalism and when the persons responsible are caught, they will be fully prosecuted,” said the mayor.

The courts at this park are well used and well loved by the entire neighborhood around City Hall. “Hammond is fortunate to have great parks. It’s a team effort to treat them respectfully and protect them. We’re happy we are able to help the community and get the courts back open hopefully soon,” said Mike Hull, president of Local 556.

If all goes well, the city’s goal is to have the courts and park fully opened by Monday afternoon once the work is completed. The City of Hammond thanks Firefighters Local 556 and President Mike Hull for this generous donation.