Plan Commission

The Plan Commission (made up of nine members) has the primary responsibility to administer the implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. The Plan Commission makes recommendations to the City Council regarding petitions for rezoning. The Plan Commission has final authority on the approval of subdivisions. The Plan Commission also reviews amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the establishment of Redevelopment Districts.

  • One member appointed by the Common Council from its membership.
  • One member appointed by the Board of Park Commissioners from its membership.
  • One member or designated representative appointed by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
  • The City Engineer or a qualified assistant appointed by the City Engineer.
  • Five citizen members, appointed by the Mayor; no more than three(3) citizen members may be from the same political party, one citizen member shall be a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals.


Member Position Term
Mike Dye Citizen Member Expires: 01/04/27
William P. Hutton Citizen Member, Vice-President, PC Appointment to BZA Expires: 01/05/26
Dean Button City Engineer, President Member by Position
Daniel Spitale Common Council Representative Annual Term
Marcus Taylor Board of Park Commissioners Representative Annual Term
Thomas Dabertin Board of Public Works and Safety Representative Expires: 01/18/28
Roger Brock Citizen Member, BZA Appointment to PC Expires: 01/05/26
Tom Kazmierczak Citizen Member Expires: 01/06/25
Ronald Sims Citizen Member Expires: 01/04/28

Upcoming Meetings

Plan Commission meetings are scheduled on the third Monday and begin at 6:00pm. (except for January and February which are on the Tuesday following the third Monday)
Current Month

17mar6:00 pm7:00 pmPlan Commission

21apr6:00 pm7:00 pmPlan Commission

Full Meeting Calendar

Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Information for the can be submitted by sending it to the following address:

Hammond City Plan Commission
Department of Planning and Development
Hammond City Hall, Room G17
5925 Calumet Avenue
Hammond, IN 46320
Telephone Inquiries: (219) 853-6397 Ext. 3