In its 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan, the City identified the expansion of community facilities to ensure the availability of services and programs as one of its goals. To meet this goal, the City of Hammond is proposing to apply for a Section 108 Loan Guarantee to fund the expansion of the wellness and recreational facility called the “Hammond Sportsplex and Community …
Nominations Sought for Disabilities Awards
39th Annual Disabilities Awards BreakfastThursday, March 20, 20258:00amDynasty Banquets4125 Calumet Ave., Hammond, IN 46327 The purpose is to recognize youth, adults, and organizations that reach out and make a difference regardless of a disability. The Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities will choose award winners. NominationsThe Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities would be greatly honored if you would nominate someone you think deserves …
Hammond Community Corporation 2024 Grant Application Now Available
The City of Hammond for the social betterment of the community formed the Hammond Community Corporation in 1997. The organization is designed to grant financial assistance to Hammond not-for-profit organizations to enrich the quality of life in our community. The Hammond Community Corporation was originally funded by money donated from the Empress Casino-Hammond (now known as Horseshoe Casino–Hammond). These funds …
PUBLIC NOTICE: CDBG, ESG, and CHDO Grant Applications Now Available
The City of Hammond, Department of Community Development is in the process of preparing its 2024-2025 budget for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Community Housing and Development Organization (CHDO). Applications will be available beginning October 2, 2023. Application must be completed and return to the Department of Community Development, 5925 Calumet Ave, Suite #314, Hammond, …
Annual Action Plan Public Comment Period
Pursuant to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, the City of Hammond has prepared its 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan that describes the resources available and the proposed use of those resources to meet the community development, affordable housing, and homeless priority needs of the City. Notice is hereby given that the Action Plan for FY …
Substantial Amendement Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds
Notice is hereby given that the City of Hammond, Department of Community Development, will hold a public hearing on March 26th at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Second Floor, City Hall, 5925 Calumet Avenue. Pursuant to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, the City of Hammond annually prepares and submits an Annual Action Plan …
Nominations Sought for Disabilities Awards
38th Annual Disabilities Awards BreakfastThursday, March 14, 20248:00amDynasty Banquets4125 Calumet Ave., Hammond, IN 46327 The purpose is to recognize youth, adults, and organizations that reach out and make a difference regardless of a disability. The Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities will choose award winners. NominationsThe Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities would be greatly honored if you would nominate someone you think deserves …