Hammond Proposes City Budget for 2021

CATEGORY: Mayor's Office, News

Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. presented the City of Hammond’s 2021 Budget to the City Council Tuesday evening, explaining to the body that the City has so far weathered 2020 better than expected by being careful with its spending and eliminating jobs due to retirement and attrition. The City of Hammond Civil Budget 2021 reflects at total levy of …

Park Board Meeting

CATEGORY: News, Parks Department, Public Notices

MEETING OF THE HAMMOND BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Community Room at 5:30 p.m. Hammond Sportsplex – 6630 Indianapolis Boulevard Call the Regular Meeting to Order Roll Call Agenda Minutes from Previous Meeting Register of Claims Facility Use Agreements Civic Center Jean Shepherd Community Center Sportsplex Business Hammond First Baptist Church special use request Hessville Park – …

Register Now for Drive Through Trunk and Treat

CATEGORY: News, Parks Department

The Drive Through Trunk and Treat event will be held in the Hammond Sportsplex parking lot located at 6630 Indianapolis Boulevard on Friday, October 30 from 5-7pm. “With the support of City departments and area businesses, we expect a strong vendor turnout for this event,” says Mayor McDermott. If your company is interested in becoming a vendor (there is no …

Park Board Meeting

CATEGORY: News, Parks Department, Public Notices

MEETING OF THE HAMMOND BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Community Room at 5:30 p.m. Hammond Sportsplex – 6630 Indianapolis Boulevard Call the Regular Meeting to Order Roll Call Agenda Minutes from Previous Meeting Register of Claims Facility Use Agreements Civic Center Sportsplex Business A. Carolyn Jackson, State Representative special use request Hessville Park – Rieth Riley Quantities …

Upgrades Completed at Hammond Filtration Plant

CATEGORY: Mayor's Office, News, Sanitary District

The City of Hammond and Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. are proud to announce the completion of a $6 million expansion and upgrade to the city’s filtration plant. The upgrades were made on the 1950’s and 1970’s electrical equipment due to the lack of replacement parts and support for the old equipment and the ability to upgrade technology. Additionally, as …

Mayor Thomas M. McDermott Jr.

City of Hammond Announces Dynamic Downtown Development

CATEGORY: Mayor's Office, News, Planning and Development, Speck

Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and the Department of Planning and Development are pleased to announce that 18th Street Distillery continues to grow and expand in Downtown Hammond. They recently purchased a vacant mechanic garage building on Fayette Street and will fully rehab it into a new distillery and tasting room. Also included in the building will be two new, …