City Clerk


Hammond City Hall
5925 Calumet Avenue (map)
Hammond, IN 46320
Phone: 219-853-6346
Fax: 219-853-6339

Hours Open to the Public

Monday through Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm

(no monetary transactions after 4:00pm)

City Clerk

Robert J. Golec

The official functions and duties of the City Clerk are set forth in Chapter 31.19 of the City of Hammond Code Book and Chapter 36 of the Indiana State Code.

The City Clerk's office provides City Council staff support if needed under the direction of the City Clerk. The office serves as the official record keeper for the City of Hammond. The City Clerk is elected by the citizens of Hammond every four years and can serve unlimited terms.

The following is a general summary of services provided by the City Clerk's office:

  • Oversees the entire legislative process, from introduction to final approval and publication
  • Prepares agendas for all council meetings
  • Schedules official City Council meetings and public hearings
  • Has available upon request for public reference and distribution the following documents: copies of all ordinances, resolutions and council minutes
  • Attends and records all “AYES” and “NAYES” at the council meetings
  • Responsible for the publication, updating and distribution of the Hammond Code of Ordinances
  • Administers Oaths
  • Serves as clerk for the Capital Improvement Board and Gaming Advisory Committee
  • Responsible for all functions of the City Ordinance Violations Bureau
  • Performs all other duties prescribed by the statute

In addition to its overall mission of maintaining the official records of the City, the office of the City Clerk also performs the following:

Violations Bureau

Established and created by City Ordinance in 2019 (Ordinance No. 9454), the City Clerk is the Administrator of the Violations Bureau.

The Ordinance Violations Bureau accepts payments for the following:

  • Non-moving vehicle violations (parking tickets for various parking violations)
  • Department of Animal Control Violations
  • Department of Code Enforcement Violations
  • Animal Licenses

Accepted forms of payment:

  • Cash, Money Order, or Credit Card if paying in person at the Violations Bureau, 1st floor City Hall, Clerk’s office. If paying by credit card (Debit/Visa/American Express/Discover/Mastercard), a 4% service charge will be added with a minimum of $3.99.
  • Money Order if mailing to the address above (you must include a self addressed stamped envelope for return mail)

Public Record Request

If you would like to request any information from the Hammond City Clerks office pursuant to I.C. 5-14-3-1 et seq. You must fill out the Clerk’s Public Record Request form. If you are unable to print, please call the office.

Download Public_Record_Request.pdf

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