All applications received after July 31st will incur a $200 late fee!
New/Renewal Business License - Applicant Check List
Business Type | Fee | Approval Required | Expiration Date | Regulating Ordinance | Download |
Amusement Devices | $50.00 per device (Coin operated devices, jukeboxes, pool tables, and other amusement devices) |
Controller | June 30th | 112.020 to 112.027 112.045 to 112.047 |
Application |
Auto Dealer | $105.00 Plus Insurance: $50,000 Property Damage $100,000 Bodily Injury to one person $300,000 Per Accident |
Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 112.020 to 112.027 112.045 to 112.047 |
Application |
Circus | $100.00 per day | Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
Event Completion | 112.016 | Application |
General Business | $105.00 | Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 8590 | Application Renewal |
Junkyard | $105.00 | Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 118.01 to 118.07 | Application |
Mobile Food Vendor | $1500.00 | Controller Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 3387 | Application |
Pawnbroker | $105.00 (plus $500.00 Surety Bond) |
Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 118.15 to 118.22 | Application |
Peddler & Pop-Up Vendor | $105.00 | Controller Police Dept |
December 31st | Application |
Private Property Permission Form | Application |
Public Garage | $105.00 Plus Insurance: $10,000 Property Damage $15,000 Bodily Injury $30,000 Accident |
Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 123.10 to 123.14 | Application |
Restaurant | $105.00 | Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 117.10 to 117.12 | Application |
Secondhand Resale | $105.00 (plus $250 Surety Bond) |
Controller Building Dept Fire Dept Police Dept Zoning |
June 30th | 118.25 | Application |
Temporary Food Vendor | $25.00 (per event) | Controller | June 30th | Application |
Temporary Non-Food Vendor | $25.00 (per event) | Controller | June 30th | Application |
Wastehauling | $250.00 per vehicle | Controller | December 31st | 94.061 | Application |
Business, Demolition Sites, and Multi-family Structures Recycling Plan
Each business located within the boundaries of the City of Hammond, upon being licensed/permitted or obtaining any renewal thereof, shall provide as part of its submission a plan describing how its solid waste will be managed, including reduction, reuse and recycling steps taken to reduce its waste stream, which plan shall be submitted to the Hammond Recycling Department subject to approval by that department.
Business Change Forms