Hammond City Hall
5925 Calumet Avenue (map)
Hammond, IN 46320
Phone: 219-853-6301
Email: Click here
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm

Thomas M McDermott Jr.
Welcome to the City of Hammond, Indiana! In this website we hope you’ll find all the information you need regarding our great city, whether it ranges from upcoming special news and events, information on ordinances and licenses, informational and topical blogs, or simply easy access to your elected officials and public documents. Our recently updated and interactive city website is just one of the many improvements that Hammond has seen over my 3 terms as Mayor, but there has been so much more to be proud of in this great City.
Recently I received official word that Hammond, Indiana is now the most populated City in Lake County. This news was even more exciting considering the nationwide trend of populations moving away from urban areas into suburbs or rural areas. Hammond’s stability will lead to increased prosperity, as population levels are the major factor in determining the allocation of Federal funds.
Hammond’s stability is directly tied to its livability. In addition to economic factors, people are always searching for the intangible but important “quality of life” aspect of a community when choosing a place to call home. Since I’ve been Mayor, Hammond’s quality of life has improved, and will continue to improve. Hammond is blessed to be located on Lake Michigan, but until fairly recently, that view was primarily an industrial view. Only recently have family friendly and ecologically appropriate improvements have been made to Hammond’s lakefront property with an aim towards preservation as well as enjoyment. The brand new pavilion on Wolf Lake not only beautifies the shores, but provides entertainment and cultural opportunities for Hammond’s families year round.
The City of Hammond also supports educational opportunities and choices with a state of the art Charter School as well as the College Bound program which insures that Hammond’s best minds have a chance to succeed regardless of family income. Hammond, under my administration also continues to encourage and promote economic development. Hammond encourages existing business to put their best face forward by way of the façade rebate program and continues to work to beautify the gateways leading into our beautiful City.
Thank you for visiting our website which is constantly changing. We invite you to browse and familiarize yourself with this exciting public access medium and learn about our upcoming events. Please feel free to offer any suggestions or request information you would like to see added. Email us by clicking here.
The City of Hammond, the largest City in Lake County! Thank you for visiting us!
General & Informative Documents
File | Link |
request_for_a_letter_form.pdf | |
proclamation_request_form.pdf | |
cumulative_reported_felony_incidents_2003_ _2015.pdf | |
application_for_gaming_funds.pdf |
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