Board of Zoning Appeals

Board of Zoning Appeals Members:

  • One member appointed by the Common Council.
  • One member appointed by the Hammond City Plan Commission from its membership.
  • Three citizen members appointed by the Mayor (one of which must be a member of the Plan Commission).


Member Position Term
Kathleen Hill citizen member, Chairperson Expires: 01/04/27
Roger Brock citizen member Expires: 01/05/26
Cynthia Jasso Common Council Representative Expires: 01/06/28
Daniel Faulkner citizen member Expires: 01/06/28
Bill Hutton Plan Commission Appointment Expires: 01/25/23

Upcoming Meetings

Board of Zoning Appeals meetings are scheduled on the last Tuesday of every month and begin at 6:00pm. All meetings are held in the Common Council Chambers at Hammond City Hall.
Current Month

29apr6:00 pm7:00 pmBoard of Zoning Appeals Meeting

Full Meeting Calendar

Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Information for the can be submitted by sending it to the following address:

Hammond Board of Zoning Appeals
Zoning Office
5925 Calumet Avenue, Ground Floor
Hammond, Indiana 46320

Telephone Inquiries: (219) 853-6318