Marcus Morton Towle House
229 Ogden Street- Designated as Hammond’s first local landmark in July, 1984.
- Originally constructed in 1885 by Marcus M. Towle and designed as an elaborate Queen Anne style home with an “onion” dome roof on the side turret.
- Redesigned in 1907 to its current state as an imposing brick Free Classic style by prominent Hammond architect L. Cosby Bernard, Sr.
Historic Districts:
Glendale Park Historic District
Harrison Park Historic District

Indiana/Illinois State Line Boundary Marker
103rd Street at Lake Michigan- Multiple site local landmark consisting of the existing monument and a monument commemorating the original location prior to its relocation to the current site in 1988.
- Local landmark designated in August, 2003.
- One of the oldest extant structures in Northwest Indiana, constructed in 1838.
- The only known marker remaining from the original state line surveys, and one of few similar monuments remaining in the country.
- A significant example of early nineteenth-century monument design and craftsmanship in stone (limestone).

Northern States Life Insurance Office Building
5935 Hohman Avenue- Local landmark designated in July, 1985.
- Northern States Life Insurance Company constructed building in 1926.
- Purchased by Montessori Children’s Schoolhouse in 1984.
- All-limestone building built in the Neo-Classical architectural style incorporates fluted and modified corinthian columns and classical details.
- Magnificent interior detailing includes stained glass windows, brass, hand-wrought ironwork, marble, hand-made tile inlay floors, and beautifully decorated ceilings.