Jacobs Square, a compact neighborhood identified by urban designer Jeff Speck in Hammond’s recent Downtown Masterplan, is ripe for revitalization. The City of Hammond and the Hammond Department of Development have released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for infill housing in this centrally located neighborhood. 19 different sites have been identified for new single family homes and duplexes. These new housing should be designed to fit into the neighborhood’s architectural and urban fabric, while also offering new unit types to complement existing stock.
This commitment to economic and residential development includes working with qualified builders to ensure a successful development project. Infusion of new residents and amenities should add substantial new life to Jacobs Square and the downtown area. The City of Hammond already began its revitalization plan with the addition of the new Windrich Park in the middle of the neighborhood, creating a new gathering space for families.
For additional information and a location map of the sites, please contact Anne Taylor, Executive Director of Planning & Development, at (219) 853-6508 Ex. 8 or at taylora@gohammond.com